Equity Plan Updated: June 2021

You can find our updated departmental equity plan here! As always, we appreciate your feedback; you are welcome to contact any of the faculty directly, or to write to us through our anonymous comment box.

The Retirement of Prof. Deborah Roberts

Comments deliverred by Prof. Matt Farmer to the assembled Haverford faculty on May 26th, 2021 Deborah H. Roberts is retiring this year from her position as the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature. Deborah began her […]

Creating Classics: Spring 21 Exhibition

In the middle of a global pandemic, the students in Creating Classics gathered every Tuesday evening (7-10pm EST!) to discuss Greek tragedies and the films of Pier Paolo Pasolini. We watched movies, read and reenacted dramas, looked at ancient and modern paintings, […]

Spring Workshops

This spring, Haverford Classics offered two more workshops in our continuing series, which was inspired by the work of the strike organizers in fall 2020 and the teach-ins that arose during the strike. On Wednesday, March 31st, we presented “Naming […]

Anti-Racist Reading Group

Inspired by the reading group created by UPenn Classics graduate students, SPEAC (Students Promoting Equity in Archaeology & Classics) has partnered up with faculty from the departments of Archaeology and Classics to start our own BiCo anti-racist reading group. Our […]

Equity Plan Updated

As part of our ongoing work to improve equity, diversity, and inclusion in our department, we have published an update to the equity plan we initially shared over the summer. You can find the updated plan here! As always, we […]

Descendants of Achilles: White Supremacist Narratives about Greek Antiquity

The ancient Greeks are very important to the contemporary white supremacists whose work I document on my website Pharos (pharosclassics.vassar.edu). They regard the ancient Greeks as genetic and spiritual ancestors of modern white people. For them, the philosophical, literary, artistic, and political accomplishments of the Greeks are […]

Antiracism Workshops

On November 10th and 11th, 2020, the Haverford Classics Department hosted a pair of workshops showcasing antiracist work in our field. These workshops were inspired by the teach-ins held during the fall 2020 strike. To view the recordings, you will […]