Fellini’s Satyricon 1969 Summary by Junior Nguyen

Today on February 27th, I attended a screening of Fellini’s Satyricon (1969). The movie was in Italian, and though I never studied Italian, Latin was able to provide me some translation of the screening with similarities between both languages (e.g. gracias= thanks, curre!=run!). In summary of the movie, it follows the main character is Encolpius, …

Hello, Goodbye (Beatles) Translation by Andrew Arth

You say yes, I say no, you say stop, and I say go, go, goOh no – You say goodbye, and I say helloHello, hello – I don’t know why you say goodbye I say helloHello, hello – I don’t know why you say goodbye I say hello Full English lyrics: https://www.lyrics.com/lyric/2762363/The+Beatles/Hello%2C+Goodbye Latin: inquis, “vēro,” inquam “nōn” …

Goodnight Moon – Latin Translation by Sophie Frem

Bonam Noctem, Luna In magnō prasinō conclāuī telephonum erat Et rubra vesica Et pictura bovis super lūnam salientis Et trēs paruī ursi sedēntēs in sellīs Et duo paruī catulī felinī Et binae chirothēcae Et parva aedēs ludibrica Et iuvenis mūsculus Et pecten et peniculus et poculum plenum pultis Et serēna anus susurrāns “hush” bonam noctem, conclāue …

Reflections on the Gutenburg Press and its Relation to Latin by Joshua McKeever

This museum display covers the impact, or lack of impact that the Gutenburg press had on book production in Europe and then around the world.  Printing presses have existed in Asia since at least the 700s, but it took until 1450 for the invention to be independently made in Europe. Prior to this scribes, mostly …